is it is a snail speed? They use the program to run slower than
are performance degradation often just plain fed up, or freeze the conflict? And you know what they do to stop it
then time to improve computer performance for the user to optimize the system! Check simple -
fire following tips for those 6 to help improve computer performance will be surprised at the results! How often each of the display must be provided with the sun.
improve computer performance Tip 1: cleaning your windows registry
this (frequency = 1) is essential, but often overlooked, the task of improving the performance of the computer. In fact, most computer users are not aware of the need to regularly clean the registry does not include all versions of Microsoft Windows tool to clean up. Installation of the program some time to make changes to the registry window
every - Internal & 39; Windows database giant sets. Almost all windows programs, windows itself, the database that stores the information in the mass inside the array. Thousands of items, and those that control the behavior and appearance of the user& 39;s system to destroy everything. Is not always handled properly
changes computer system in the registry conflicts leading to a slowdown of your computer. Reid is a very good intentions, and that over time, perhaps, corrupted registry. The reason for this, including:
- install or remove the program - a program to remove any traces leaves behind - and the rest of the hardware to remove the item - not using the driver on your system - or similar programs whenever spyware reappears jaebu suit tingeul modify the registry manually.
you windows by using a program called regedit, but this is really a job best left for a computer specialist will be strong.
thankfully, use the program to clean your registry. Suit, the computer can automatically helps improve the performance and optimize the Registry, such as " " & 39; 06. This scans the registry, looks for duplicate and invalid entries and list them so that they would resolve suit with a single mouse click. As a bonus for the year, to improve computer performance, it is running in the background every time you start the computer automatically. Free computer to check the health of more windows. Improve computer performance
Tip 2: file to the trash bin (frequency = Weekly)
regularly Windows trash bin. Hard drive space and help improve the performance of the computer
this releases. To delete the selected
when files from the computer, rather than completely removed, windows, the first putting a dog in the trash. This second chance to get the suit in 2007 as a means to restore the trash. Suit on the computer back to its original location in Paris.
to to secure the optimal performance of the computer, empty your Recycle Bin reulhapnida weekly (or daily). To do this right - click on the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and select the trash bin. Improve computer performance
Tip 3: Remove Programs (= monthly frequency)
installing program is easy - but first, it& 39;s just easier to leave them to prolonged eventually, forgotten, hard disk. With the removal of his
most program. Also under this program. Suit all programs to determine, from the Start menu. The program does not remove
if readers with the Start menu, open the Control Panel, and double - click on the Add / Remove Programs. Pause for a moment to gather a list of all the computers are installed, the programs previously installed. To find the program you want to get rid of it is so
once then click the Change / Remove. Some leave a trail of a program to remove the windows registry to know
be everywhere! Thus, after removing the computer& 39;s performance to improve, it& 39;s essential to clean the registry. Improve computer performance
Tip 4: Run to clean disk
windows & 39; (frequency = Monthly) is a fantastic construction cleaning disk - is a utility to automate routine maintenance tasks to improve computer performance, temporary Setup files to the Internet, such as deleting the log file to disk, such as cleaning, start the
to, twice - as a button, right-click the My Computer & 39; c: drive is selected & 39; The following information to the Register. Now click on the Disk Cleanup. Your computer will spend the next few minutes, the analysis itself. It is thanks to window
when complete list of cleanup areas where you found the file. In the box next to the cleaning tikhapnida on it. Some damage to the temporary file and leave, just next to the item to remove the tick and click OK. Start the computer and then remove
your process for improving computer performance - take a little bit of time to suit. Improve computer performance
Tip 5: Disk Defragmenter (frequency = Quarterly)
when the program on your computer& 39;s hard disk fragments of the files stored in the empty space close to saving it. The computer slows down to spend more time on it.
this sculpture and piecing together to hunt down files.
there treatment is simple - the windows, run the Disk Defragmenter program. They collect the pieces back tailored program and the players ya in the right order. The hard disk is much easier to find and locate whatever
this made, and enable the program to read files more quickly - to determine how to improve computer performance - fired. Defragment your hard disk
to Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools and Disk Defragmenter to perform the management. Once the program is loaded, click Defragment. Well, it takes more than an hour.
the handle the suit. Defragment your hard disk for such a long time, so you really do not want to move through the process of frequently asked. Hard disk every three months or so
defragment - the best results are achieved in this way to optimize the performance of your computer. Improve computer performance
Tip 6: Empty Cache
to preemption reulrodeuhaneun (frequency = Quarterly), it takes time to improve the program, and then the file is loading windows speculation seems necessary to take a pool or cache & & 39; 39;.
this process is called prefetching, and it generally works well. Overtime, but the preemption. Cache files, the suit will be filled makhyeotgoga no longer needed - and can slow start Windows. Obviously
to occupancy, from the Start menu, choose Run, type in the text box that appears preemption. When you have those, you will be confronted by a window filled with icons. Press them to select all and delete + alt press. Cache files with a link to quickly
the windows really need to recharge. As a result, you will feel the benefits from the system more responsive to the speed and performance of computers. So you
, 6 - fired a hint of a computer to enable the computer to determine performance. Now I know how to improve computer performance - follows simple and repeat them regularly. The author
michael hapsa computer is a convenient way to clean and restore the lost performance. Free of charge to your computer to check the details of health and windows, now visit the website: shawnna cinthia
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